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Beyond the pay gap figure with Michelle Gyimah

Feb 25, 2024

Listen in as Michelle talks about the Gender Pay Gap Bot, how it works, and how to use it to showcase the important work you are doing in your organisation to close your pay gaps.

When the Gender Pay Gap Bot first appeared on X (then known as Twitter) back in 2021, many organisations didn’t know how to handle being put on the spot. They found their data being tweeted out and many companies felt like it was a personal attack, or a judgement.

However, this information isn’t a secret. It’s there to be found online.

Tune in to discover how the bot works, why it’s important, and how you can feel confident continuing to release comms on X, knowing that you’re doing the real work on your pay gaps.

In this episode, Michelle shares her 3 top tips to not fall foul of the Gender Pay Gap Bot and instead, how to use your knowledge of how the bot works, along with your company pay gap data, to ensure you have a response that’s clear, well-prepared, and showcases your company at its best.

Best podcast quote: "This isn't about being slick and saying the right things. But it's about being competent, in how you're going to respond to criticism. Because there's nothing wrong with somebody critiquing you over your pay gap, it's a piece of information that somebody has an opinion on, and then it's up to you to respond to that."

Behind the Twitter Bot Posting the Gender Pay Gap of Brands Celebrating IWD (

For support in addressing your pay gap issues book a free call here: Book a call

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